Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So Far So Good

I had my 8 week ultra sound last Friday, August 23, 2013.  My doctor said everything was looking great... 2 very strong heartbeats and they were both growing at a healthy rate.

This week has been busy. We've been trying to box up as much as we can and are slowly moving things to various homes (a special thank you to our dear relatives who have given up valuable room in their homes for our stuff). I've been back to work, a few hours, a few days a week for the past 2 weeks.  I forgot how much stuff I had to sort through because of the new flooring and lack of time at the end of June.

In terms of health, I'm doing way better. I have my good days and my bad ones... thankfully more good than bad.  I hear this "yucky" feeling will go away after the 1st trimester... I am looking forward to this!  I will be going for another blood test in 2 weeks to check up on my iron levels and I should schedule for another ultrasound (around 11-12weeks).

Thursday, August 15, 2013

An Aweful Night...

I woke up at 3:15 this morning. I decided to go downstairs for some Tylenol because I was feeling rather nauseous and crampy. By the time I swallowed the pills and headed back to bed, I was in agonizing pain.  I woke up my poor husband as I could not stand my pain and I could hardly breathe. He, of course, was freaked out.

I was so uncomfortable. I couldn't lie on the bed; I couldn't sit and I could barely stand up. At some point, I was even rolling on the floor!  Then within minutes, I was at the toilet hurling for 5 minutes.  I felt minimally better at that point.

My cramps calmed down after another 20 minutes while my dear hubby rubbed my back with VapoRub. By now it's 4:00am. Both of us are confused. I'm scared that I'm going to have a miscarriage... luckily we are scheduled for an ultrasound this afternoon.

I had my sister drive my to my ultrasound appointment since Wil was scared that I might get into an accident if I drove myself.  This time I made sure Wil was videotaping the ultrasound! We saw 2 heart beats! Yay! It's official! We have twins!  They are growing at a healthy rate, 6 weeks, 5 days old.  We scheduled another ultrasound for next Friday.

So, as aweful as this morning was, at least the babies are fine.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Crazy Beta HCG

I just had another Beta HCG done today. My level is crazy! 65000! This had me worried so I "googled" it.  Most people are reporting that this is about right for a twin pregnancy.

My first ultrasound is on Thursday.  I can't believe it's only been 4 weeks since conception. My belly is definitely not getting smaller and I am going to have to invest in some new bras over the next few days.  I haven't been able to wear underwire bras since last week and my pants are definitely tighter.  I'm just thinking that this is way too fast for me to be losing my figure! =)

This is a picture of a 4 week old embryo.

4 Weeks Pregnant

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Beta HCG Levels & Drugs Galore

Since coming back (approx. 5 days), I have seen my GP twice. I was catching a cold and dealing with major nausea, cramping, whole body "achiness", insomnia... it was bad. I haven't been eating these last 2 days... absolutely no appetite.  My beta HCG for  Thursday, August 1 was over 4000! Crazy!  This a great sign for twins! I have an ultrasound scheduled with my local fertility doctor on August 15th. That's when we'll know for sure.

But my iron levels are super low.  This makes sense as to why I have no energy to do anything! So my GP is prescribing Iron supplements.

My drug/hormone/vitamin load is absolutely ridiculous right now.  I think I'll get full just eating these pills. Starting tomorrow I will be officially ingesting 13 pills a day! This is a combination of Estrogen, Various types of Progesterone, Iron, Preg Vit 5 and anti-nausea pills... thank God I am not officially working yet...

I believe I have actually recovered from the whole time zone change!  However, Wil is struggling with that...