Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Almost at Week 27...

It's been quite busy this last month with report card writing, student assessments and getting to doctor's appointments. Unfortunately, morning sickness is still here... coupled with back pain and cramps and muscle spasms. I invested in the Snoogle pillow over the weekend while I was shopping in Oregon. I am now sleeping until 4am which is a huge improvement from pre-Snoogle... before I'd be up at 1:30am and then 3-4am and then have to be up for work. I used to get up at 6:15 to be out the door for work by 7ish... recently I have been leaving around 7:30 simply because it's been so hard to get up.

My belly is growing...
December 31, 2013

Only 1 more day to work and then I am on medical leave and then mat. leave until next January... I can't believe how heavy and slow I am now both physically and mentally.