Saturday, October 26, 2013

Feeling Yucky Today

The last few days have been awful!  I have been throwing up at least once every morning and I am not sleeping through the night. My back aches and the skin on my tummy is so very sensitive!

My mother tells me it's only going to get worse. I was hoping that the morning sickness would go away, but I'm at 17 weeks and it's still here!!! I refilled my Diclectin prescription reluctantly yesterday as it works out to $2 a tablet and I take 2-3 a day...

I'm hoping that my energy level and desire to eat will pick up soon...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Week 16 - 4 Month Mark...

I went to see my GP today.  She told me that my NT test results weren't perfect.  One twin has a neck thickness of 1.7mm and the other one is 2.4mm.  Under 2 is normal... So I have to do some more blood tests to see if the twin with 2.4mm is OK.  The NT test is a good predictor for Down's Syndrome...

I'm feeling better, but still experiencing morning sickness...

We're finally meeting our architect this weekend to draft up our dream house...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

15 weeks

Yikes!  15 weeks already!  I unfortunately caught a cold. It was inevitable being around sick family members... So I took one day off from work. When I wanted to return the next day, I was informed that there was a confirmed case of Foot and Mouth Disease... so I took another 2 days off. It was a good thing that I did since my cold continued to get worse.

My NT test was good and I had another ultrasound last week too. The doctor mentioned that she would be able to tell us the gender of our babies at our next ultrasound on Friday, November 1. That will definitely be exciting!  I'm still feeling nauseous, but I'm not sure if it's from the pregnancy or from me being sick...